What is Nokenchain ?


Nokenchain allows everyone (individuals, businesses, athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, videographers, …) to create a token, and organizes this huge market that will develop during the 2020s.

This project is the first to allow people to create tokens easily (as easily as a domain name is filed), without technical knowledge, and to set the future habits and standards of the market.

Each token has its specific aspects and associated tools, allowing everyone to communicate around it to make it worthwhile or fund projects.
Everything will be accompanied by marketcaps (classifications) and crypto-exchanges.

The project is community-based. Ultimately, it will have to become decentralized and autonomous. It is also planned to reach a phase where the generated profit will be donated to the community.

4 main tools (but not only …) :
Fund raising.
Democratic tools.
Strengthening the links between a tokenized person and his community.
Advertising management by tokenization of influencers for brands.

Blockchain operation ensures the traceability of information and the transparency of actions.

Nokencoin (NOKN) is an utility token running with our Virtual Proof of Stake technology.